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The Divinity of Man

Uche Mbah

The idea that human beings are endowed with inner cores of Divinity has been widespread. This was spread by mystics and occultist, whose teachings from their "Ascended Masters" indicate that there is Divinity in man. Even religious leaders have keyed into the narrative and now it has become like a mantra for those who think they are seekers for the truth. This was premised on the belief that most miracles and so-called power-of-the-mind myths are evidence that there is Divinity in man, and that with certain levels of purity, man will ultimately develop into godhead. They talk of the era of God-men, when those who has developed themselves into becoming gods take over the ruler-ship of the earth.

But anyone who actually know the creations, the laws governing them and that everything is strictly ordered by someone-call him infinite intelligence, God, which different cultures and groups call different names; the great scientist-who planned everything and ordered it through laws of nature, under which everything happening can be explained, will realize how much they are in error who believe such.

For us to understand this, we need to look at the structure of our Universe as a beginning. The Universe is under constant expansion, spiraling outwards towards an infinite void. Hence it is in itself finite, though of such size that the human brain cannot imagine the size.Let us focus on only one of the seven universes that harbors the earth as one of the numerous habitable planets. Of course, there are other planets that harbor life within our universe, but the earth occupies a pride of place.

Scientists have been able to identify minute components of matter, of which the atom is but a coarse minuscule. And there has been investigations that indicate that there is actually duality in the human being. One needs to study the various accounts of near death experiences, like Raymond Moody's Life After Life to realize that the human body is but a cloak worn by the actual owner. And the owner generally cannot be seen with the physical eyes. It also means that there is an inner world that exist when we drop our bodies.It opens up a brand new world outside the physical body, the field of activities of occultists and "ascended" masters. This is called the Astral plane, our immediate next-door environment that harbors the "Shadow" of the earth. Everything found on earth is replicated there, which is why it is called the shadow. But it is actually the prototype of every thing on the physical world.

Just as we have that as the astral plane, we also have within there a finer aspect of the astral, which can be called finer astral. Still after this is another plane as a transition between the higher world of ether and the astral world. If we call the physical world Gross Matter, the two astral planes can be called medium and fine Gross matter. And this transition plane can be called Gross Fine matter. It is the plane that many have visited, either in their dreams or during astral or soul travels, which contain beautiful flower gardens, predominantly Rose and Lilly, depending of the part involved. For every plane has many subdivisions. God is not found here, since he is far removed from this zone. But many entities and fantastic forms created by our thoughts dominate these places.

Then follows the three Planes of Ether.

I am taking us on a journey to where the Creator of the Universe may be said to be located. After the planes of Ether comes the planes of Animism, where the souls of Animals and Animistic beings-gnomes, elves, salamanders, mermaids-originate, at the summit of which the gods of the ancients live at the vast summit, called Olympus. There are seven planes of these.

It should be noted that the so-called ascended masters never go beyond the gross fine matter in their activities, whereas as a simple villager that lives his normal life without such complications may find himself there after passing on. Neither do they know anything about the Zone of Animism, after which the Paradise that the religions talk about is located. Paradise itself is also divided into seven planes, and above them is again seven planes of Ancient, or primordial spirits, at the summit of which lies the starting point of creation, what scientists describe as the big bang.

Yet in these planes, God is not found.

Beyond these is the realm of Divinity, which existed from eternity. God is enthroned above Divinity, and no human soul can ever go beyond Paradise.

Hence when people talk of divinity in man, it is a huge Joke. God is God, and everything created, even the Divine realm itself, is his mantle. It takes humility and knowledge to know our place in creation. This could only be possible through the knowledge granted us in the work In The Light Of Truth the Grail Message by Abd-ru-Shin, written in three volumes.

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